Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What is the Future and When is the Launch Date...

Mission Fargo is currently focusing on the downtown area in which to build relationships that Lord willing, would lead to evangelism and lives changed. There is a vision for the future as well. The motto around here is "evangelism that leads to new churches". While it is a process and will likely take quite a bit of time, Jeremy and John are always casting vision for the future while focusing on the present.

Presently, we are seeking to be intentional in our every day life and get involved in the community to build relationships with individuals and allow the love of Christ in our lifes to bear on their life situations. Jeremy and I are seeking to get jobs in the community (which thankfully we have!!! Woo hOO! another blog soon to come :) and also frequent the same places often in effort to get to know others. So far we have our favorite coffee shop, Fargo Coffee Company/Red Raven and Applesbees as places we seek to go at least weekly.

What about the church starting you may ask? ...And many people have asked me lately, so when is your "launch date" for the church. (one of the most popular questions on my recent trip to the south) While we are eager to get the church up and running, processes work a little differently up here and we are trying to take an approach that would be appropriate for the community. Needless to say, putting up a sign advertising a Southern Baptist Church starting may not draw a big crowd. People think you are trying to bring "the south" to them (and yes, while it seems there is no better place than the south and college football, people here beg to differ :), that you are the snake people, you are one of those churches that only wears dresses and reads the KJV etc etc. Hence, the relationship approach.

But, to try to provide the best answer to your question, we are prayerfully seeking to begin a Bible Study in the fall at our home and see where the Lord takes us! We are seeking to start this Bible Study with majority of non Christians. It is a vision to see Christ revolutionize lifes and have this Bible study grow into a community of believers in the downtown Fargo area. Once the Lord establishes the downtown community of believer, it is our desire to start multiple churches in the city and the surrounding areas of Fargo. I believe John would love to begin a new mission in Moorhead MN, which is just over the River from Fargo and where the Fishers are currently living. Long term, at least this point in time, Jeremy and John would love to see Mission Fargo expand even along the I-29 corridor, possibly even to Grand Forks, ND.

A few weekends ago, we took our summer missionaries on a little retreat and went through a couple of these towns, dreaming and accessing the current communities as related to the churches present and predominant religions. We definitely also made this a pleasure trip as well and checked out some attractions. Enjoy a few picures!

One of our last big hoorahs before the summer missionaries departed for home ;(

downtown in Grand Forks

"home of the fighting Sioux... hockey arena

introducing Jenny to Village Inn Pie :).. and starting a trend for the rest of the team that evening

if you know John Fisher--you know you get a little scaried when he makes the hotel reservation. he actually did make this hotel reservation and it was definitely picture worthy! the Holidy Inn happen to be brand new--hooray! the last place we stayed was the Knights Inn where I slept in my clothes on top of the sheets--but it was cheap :)

our (and when i say our...i really mean the fishers :) little girl is getting big!

And I was very bummed to miss getting a picture of one of the markees of a Baptist Church in Grand Forks which stated, "Visitors Welcome, Members Expected". Really?!? Man does this area need the freedom that comes from the love and grace of Jesus Christ!

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