(well..maybe 6. i just couldn't narrow it down...in no specific order)
1. Going to ALASKA for our Commissioning as Nehemiah Church Planters
2. Going back to Kentucky to spend much needed time with my in-laws and growing nephew!
3. Having an amazing mission team come up and be an incredible encouragement from KY
4. Having Baby Julia's 1st Birthday Party!
5. The McNeals in Fargo!
6. Going on an Anniversary Get Away to Sioux Falls SD to celebrate 2 years with Jeremy
Good times indeed. Alaska is amazingly beautiful and although we went in the middle of January, it was actually warmer than Fargo :) It humbled me at the work of Creator God in the midst of absolutely breaktaking scenery. I will admit, when I first heard Alaska and January in the same sentence, I was not at all excited. Boy was I wrong. Amazing trip for sure. New friends, challenging messages (particularly for me on the power of prayer) and encouragement from the natives.
Kentucky was excellent as well. When I go to my in-laws it is true rest. We spend most of the time around the house and enjoy conversations, games nights (of course!) and now running after sweet (on the go) Sawyer. Jeremy and I got to enjoy 50-60 degree weather in February! and went on a muddy 4 wheelin ride. It was great to see my preggo sister n law and brother n law, as well as surprise "Grandaddy" with his 80th bday party. We are getting ready for the arrival of our first niece in just a few weeks!
And I will elaborate on the next three maybe in another post...but in the meantime share some BIG news !
On May 3rd, if all unfolds (and your prayers are appreciated) we will be BUYING our first home!
When the tax rebate got extended, Jeremy and I started considering a home. Our apt lease would be up in May and we were seeking out our next step. We started looking. We went to quite a few open houses, saw a red house we liked but were not satisfied with it having no full bathroom, so we went to more open houses. Then we saw the red house again. Then we went to a few more houses with the realtor. Then the realtor told us he had been doing his homework and a remodel of the bathroom would not be out of reach and that he thought we could get the price down significantly. And within two days we had an offer on the house. And then counteroffer and then an agreement! It all went quite fast and now we are somewhat patiently awaiting our close. Just trying to get all the items together for the bank in the meantime. Pics to come...we have some updating to do..so probably some fun before and afters! In the meantime...here are a couple photos of our top 5s.
I am soooo excited that you finally updated your blog!